Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cinderella plus a new baby!!

Isey is working very hard on her laptop that she got from great-great aunt Carol.  We programmed it so that it says her name and spells her name!  Lots of great sounds and music on this laptop!

We got Isey a Dora bike off of Craigslist!  She's very excited about it and can't wait to ride it by herself!!  She never wants to get off of it; we just kept pushing her around...until WE got worn out!  Although she did decide that her doll wanted to go for a ride yesterday, so she asked me to get her off, put the doll on the seat, and proceeded to push the bike. 
Too cute!

I look at these pictures and think Cinderella...before her fairy godmother transformed her of course!  She looks like she's been cleaning.  She found this bandanna that I got when I was at Lake Tahoe and kept putting it on her head.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NEW BABY!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I'm a great aunt again!!  Congratulations to Barry and Lori!!  This is Lincoln David, born Tuesday, March 2nd.  He was 8 pounds even.  I can't wait to see the little guy in person, probably this weekend!!

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