Monday, January 31, 2011

Just say "Nooooooooo"

(In case you didn't know, you can click on the pictures if you want to see them a little bit bigger...)

Lately, Isebelle's favorite word has been "Nooooooo".

"Isey, should we change your diaper?"   Noooooooooo.
"Oh, is your diaper dry?"    Noooooooo.

When she was 1st learning to say it, she would say "nnnnnnnnoooooooooo".  She doesn't hold the N quite so long now, but still likes to drag it out every now and then.

I'll have to get some video of this one of these days...

I have been  able to get her to say "Cheese" such. 
It was more like "Cheeeee", but I got her to look
at the camera and smile!

She came over by me so when the flash went off it really washed out her face, but look at her BLUE eyes!

I'm not sure what she was doing here, but it's an interesting "action" shot...
I just love her smile!  Look at all those teeth!!  She was having a lot of fun standing in a 5 gallon bucket here.  Brett was rocking the bucket like a swing.  

We got Isey a desk and chair this last weekend for $10 off of Craigslist!  She loves it!  She's got her paper and crayons all put where she wants them.  She doesn't want anything else on her desk..Brett tried to put a couple of things on the desk, but she just threw them off.
Here she is sitting at her desk and "writing"...looks like she's going to be left handed!

I had created a ramp for a couple of her Monster Trucks (Monster Mutt and Scarlet Bandit) that Brett had gotten for her.  I had the Monster trucks going down the ramp, then I took one of her little people and had it slide down and said "weeeeeee" as it was sliding down.  This prompted her to get up and straddle the board to slide down it herself!  I wish I would have gotten a picture of that!  It cracked me up!!  I am now on the hunt for a slide and think I have found one in Richfield for $8 that I will hopefully pick up this week.  I'm sure I'll post a picture or 2 after I get that!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Looking back in time...

I'm starting this blog with a look back in time... not too far back, just about 18 months, when my great niece, Isebelle Boo came into our lives.

I unfortunately missed out on her birth and didn't see her while she was in the hospital after she was born, but I haven't missed too much since then.  Here is my 1st picture with her:

I know you may be wondering why I am dedicating a blog to my great niece.  Well, I hope it won't be just about her, as I do have a great nephew now as well and another one, great niece or nephew, on the way!  Since my husband and I were not able to have children and Isey lives so close, we've been fortunate enough to get to see her and her Mom a lot! (Thanks Nicole!!)  We love every minute of it!!  I'd have to say that I'm addicted.  I just can't get enough of her!

My great nephew, Landry, lives about 4 hours away, so I don't get to see him very often.  I'll include things about him whenever I see him!  I'm sure I'll announce when the other is born!  My sister and I will try to get to Rochester soon after she or he is born.

I've enjoyed watching Isey grow and develop.  She's a smart little girl!  I am in a bit of a habit of taking pictures of her most every weekend.  I used to be better before she got to be so interested in the toys and such that now I have a hard time getting her to look at the camera!  Here is a book I created on that covers her 1st year:

Now, here are pictures that cover the last 6 months:

We had a family birthday party for her in August - she really enjoyed he cake!

We started taking her to parks to go down the slides and anything else she might enjoy.  Here she is looking back up the tunnel slide at me after sliding down.

We went to my sister and brother-in-law's cabin
on Lobster Lake in Alexandria. 
Isey decided to drive the pontoon.

Early October we decided to bring Isey to a pumpkin patch in
New Prague, MN. 
We got a lot of great pictures, but here is our favorite.

 After we got some snow we decided we had to get Isey a sled
so we could take her out sledding.  She loved it!
She giggled the whole way down the hill.

We brought Isey to Christmas with my family
so she could meet my great nephew, Landry!
It was very cute, my sister was trying to get Landry to crawl
so she put some toys about 2 feet in front of him. 
Isey promptly took them and gave them to him as if to say...
"I understand, they used to do this to me too."

Here I am with both Isey and Landry!

Christmas 2010

She wasn't very happy with Santa this year:

She was much happier on Christmas day with the family:

Well, that brings us almost up to date. 
I'll post again next week with more of Busy Isey!